June 5, 2017

Goddess of Travel and the Astral Plane, Mother of the Gods

The Birth of Celestian:

The birth of Celestian, at least among the churches, is regarded as a non-story. There was the Astral Plane, empty, Ikkanna wove, and then there was Celestian, end of story. She is the first of the Gods and mother of (nearly) all of existence. Some more devout priests and clerics of course have their own spin, regarding her as a paragon of what their own God typifies. After her birth the commonly accepted story is that she then travelled the empty expanse of the Astral Plane, filling it with worlds and life. Some more sinister tales, the kinds told around creepier campfires, say that Celestian also birthed horrendous monsters that now exist just beyond the bounds of the world. Such stories of course are not repeated in the presence of priests, at least not without a flick behind the ear.


The appearance of Celestian is hotly debated. As she spends all of her time roaming the boundless expanse of the Astral Plane, she rarely, if ever visits Ianis. As such, descriptions of her are scarce and generally are colored by the describer’s personal history. There is a particularly notable Gnomish song that describes Celestain as not only a peerless farmer, but in fact a beautiful Gnome maiden. There is also a critically acclaimed Elven poem subject that describes Celestian as a beautiful Elf shield warrior. The poem is however incredibly erotic and as such is regarded as mildly blasphemous.


Celestian is truly impossible to gauge. She has not, in several hundred thousand years, visited Ianis in any substantial way and dealt with mortals. There are of course fantastical stories of her dealing mortals and all the stories describe her as a hard, unforgiving Goddess with a strong protective streak towards all life. Whether this is actually true is of course is entirely up for debate, and in fact often is.


Celestian is worshipped in large temples in comparatively few places. Her power, while responsible for much of the world, is rarely felt on Ianis and so worshiping her is seen as something of a waste of time. That said, there is a large temple to her somewhere deep in the Gorgelands, a resplendent, silver building high upon a mountain. Her priests wear silver togas and spend most of their time gazing at the stars and attempting to catalogue portals to other worlds that may crop up from time to time.

Art by MenasLG!
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