February 9, 2017

God of Nature

The Birth of Shallorn:

Shallorn’s origin is, to say the least, hotly debated. So hotly debated in fact that Elf tribes have gone to war over it. Whether its believing that Shallorn sprang forth from the rock, grew from a tree or even walked out of the ocean, the tales are truly varied. Each tribe believes their version to be the correct one and Shallorn doesn’t care enough to set them straight. The true story, and one that many elves spit upon, is that Shallorn was born from the shadow of Laul. Crawling forth from it, Shallorn was a dark God, and Laul was pleased. His sister Arinate however was nearby and, horrified at what had come forth, blessed the child with peace, creating Shallorn as he is today.


Often found on Ianis, Shallorn is nearly always easy to spot. Wherever he may go, nature follows. The world around him returns to nature and the fruits of the world become more abundant. Exploring further will reveal a 10ft tall old man clad in raggedy robes. Growing from the robes are all manner of trees and birds’ nests. Shallorn appears as a walking forest. At least, in the forest he does. Shallorn will easily match the appearance of whatever land he may be in; it is all his domain.


Despite directly creating them, Shallorn gives the Elves no favors. This is not because Shallorn is a cruel god, or an indifferent one, but because he is far too busy to do so. Nature is all around, and is on every plane across the universe. The lord of the natural world has far too many things to do to favor his own people. When he appears to mortals Shallorn can come across as forgetful, scatterbrained all around fairly ineffectual. He is willing to provide mortals with assistance in exchange for nothing, but the only thing he can’t sacrifice is time.


Shallorn is potentially the most worshiped God on Ianis. He is responsible for a great many things and so the lowest farmer to the highest king will find themselves thanking him. In the larger cities there is usually a temple to Shallorn. Inside his priests contemplate the greater mysteries of the natural world. They wear rough spun robes and in many cases also function as a temple to Sarnea. Most often in smaller villages Shallorn and Sarnea are invoked by priests at the same time to give blessing to not only farms, but to ask for protection from the world around them.

The Creation of The Elves

Shallorns First Appearance!

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