The Winter Wolf

June 5, 2020

When the world of Ianis becomes and cold and dark, there is one creature responsible, The Winter Wolf.

In the early days of Ianis, the Gods were (somewhat) at peace. Each stuck to their own realm and domain and spats were rare. Though, idle hands can quickly turn to mischief if left unchecked. Sularion, God of the Sun, often found himself without a task to occupy him. Once the sun had risen, it would generally shine in the sky without his involvement. And in those halcyon days before The Breaking, his presence was not required to invoke healing; as Ianis was a peaceful place. And so the Lord of Sunlight would often turn to mischief.

A particular favourite of Sularion’s to bother the ever loving hell out of was Sarnea, Goddess of The Woodlands and Farming. Sularion pestered Sarnea and disrupted her forests and fields endlessly over the years. Sarnea, ever patient, bade him to cease many times. Sularion did not listen.

Eventually, Sarnea drew tired of Sularions tricks and promised him that the very next time he caused her grief he would regret it. Once again, Sularion did not listen. He brought hot breezes and warmth to her forests, drying them out and causing them to crumble. Sarnea, reaching her breaking point, retaliated. Drawing on all her ire and fury, Sarnea transformed into an enormous wolf. Clad in frost and snow, Sarnea chased Sularion across the surface of Ianis, snapping at him with ice and sharp gales. The Goddess of the woodlands had become the Winter Wolf.

As the newly born Winter Wolf chased Sularion across Ianis, the people suffered. Sarnea had become overcome by her fury and the force of the cold within her and for the first time winter raged across the land without relief. Where once the land would only be set with the occasional stiff breeze, storms and blizzards descended; coating the land in snow.

Collanus, God of battle and valour, heard the cries of mortals and did what he did best. He took up his sword and tracked down the Winter Wolf. Raising the Blade of Stars high above his head, Collanus struck down the Winter Wolf, aiming to slice its head clean off, and reveal the form of Sarnea once more. But alas, Collanus’s aim just this once was off and instead of the head leaving the body, the head was cleaved in twain. The two heads immediately forgot their quarrel with Sularion and began to fight with one another, bringing an end to the ceaseless winter that had come.

Every winter the two heads of the Winter Wolf snap and growl up and down the land, bringing storms and wild weather. Sularion, frightened of the two-headed beast, flees the land and winter descends. Fortunately for the people of Ianis, the splitting of the Winter Wolf’s head means that as winter progresses, Sarnea slowly comes to her senses and the Winter Wolf departs the land.

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